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5G Deployment and Security, a practical discussion



Whalebone’s Product Marketing Manager Gordon Daniell talks to Robert Šefr, Whalebone’s CTO, about deployment and security of 5G. The webinar covers the main characteristics of 5G, its impact on mobile networks and business, its possible risks, and ways of securing and profiting from 5G networks. 


0:00 – Intro. Introduction and webinar contents. 

1:21 – 5G and its speed. 5G characteristics, edge computing.

6:01 – 5G and cybersecurity. Potential issues of 5G, IoT devices, DNS-level security, securing the edge, communication with cloud resolver or Security as a Service (SECaaS).

15:45 – Risks and opportunities of 5G deployment. Experience from 4G era, Ericsson model, speed use-case, time-based speed, activity-specific revenue, gaming.

24:45 – Summary. Speed, security, revenue.

28:01 – Added latency of security. Measuring algorithms, security checking.

29:08 – Novel threats related to 5G. Smishing, embedded devices.

31:31 – Separate security product or bundling of services?

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